Sylvia Schwenk


2011    Bourne, P, Sylvia Schwenk In silence and movement you can show the reflection of people, Inteview: Radio Station 2SER, 17 March 2011

            Dennemann, A, Tanzende Flugzeuge vor wolkenverhangenem Himmel (Dancing aircraft against an overcast sky), Grafschafter Nachrichten,

            Germany, 4 July p5

            Fortescue, E, Let's hear it for tradies, Daily Telegraph, 12 March 2011, p9

            Venterink, GL, Vanuit het ene leven in het andere vliegen (Flying from one life to another), De Twente Courant Tubantia, Holland, 2 July 2011, p3

2010    Bourne, P, Sylvia Schwenk: Life takes place on foot, Interview: Radio Station 2SER, 14 October 2010

            Bourne, P and McGregor C, Sylvia Schwenk: The world is made up of unfinished stories,

            Inteview: Radio Station 2SER, 25 March 2010

            Dowse, B, Sylvia Schwenk: The world is made up of unfinished stories, 2010, Catalog essay, Artereal Gallery, Sydney

            Pavlich, C, Height of Fashion, mX, 23 March, 2010, Front cover

            Art Heroes, Trouble magazine, October 2010, unpaged

2009    Benson, N,  Traffic brought to a standstill, Otago Daily Times, 28 March 2009: 10
            G.bert, Interview with Sylvia Schwenk, Radio One 91FM Dunedin, 28 March 2009
            Gezcy A, Social Exchange and Life, Appliance, Issue 97, (May - March 2009), Artists Alliance, Auckland
            Gezcy A, Social Exchange and Life, Catalog essay, 2009, Blue Oyster Gallery, New Zealand
            Locksmith Project, Issue 1, June 2009, 48-51
            Meisel-Kemper, E, Jeder einzelne Mensch hat Bedeutung, Westfaelische Nachrichten,
            21 July 2009, 33
Meisel-Kemper, E, Wildfremde Menschen kommen in Kontakt, Westfaelische Nachrichten, 13 July 2009, 24
            Pariat, J, Bedroom becomes a drawing room, Time Out Delhi, Vol No 3, Issue 10
            (7-20 August 2009): 43
Pavlich, C, Sleeping on the job is working for Sylvia, Mx, 2 February, 2009: 4
Taplinger, M, Altered States of Contemporary Photography in Chelsea, NY. Gallery & Studio,
            February/March 2009: 14, 23
Todd, J, The Interactive Audience, Old, New Borrowed, Blue: 10 Years at the Blue Oyster: 33-39,
            Blue Oyster Project Space, Dunedin, New Zealand, 2009

2008    Finnegan, A, Hyperplexic, desalinated but not scary, Artlink, Vol 28, No 1 (March 2008): 47-51

2007    Hopcroft, H, Review Sydney College of the Arts Degree Show, 2007
            Hunt, A, What do our bodies do in Public Spaces?, Inteview: Radio Station 2SER, 10 May 2007
University of Sydney, Sydney College of the Arts, SCAfold, August 2007, The University of Sydney, Sydney